The prices given on product pages are inclusive of statutory value-added tax (VAT) and other price components.
We only ship to addresses in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the EU, USA, Canada, Norway, and Switzerland
In addition to the product prices indicated we also charge flat-rate shipping costs for delivery within the EU [EUR 6.90 per order]. Non-EU destinations on the European continent have the same charge as well as Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
USA and Canada have a shipping cost of 35€.
Shipping to non-EU countries may be subject to import tax and tariffs.
Shipping costs are communicated to you during the basket process and reconfirmed on the order page. Express deliveries can also be selected – prices may vary.
No shipping costs are incurred in connection with digital content (e.g. e-books, software, etc.).
Shipping costs are charged at a flat rate of EUR and are inclusive of statutory value-added tax (VAT). The fact that the amount of VAT included in shipping costs is calculated on the basis of the goods purchased means that it may decrease if the goods purchased are subject to a lower rate of VAT (e.g. books). This, in turn, means that definitive shipping costs can only be calculated during the order process. As it is not permitted for them to increase they will only be adjusted to your benefit (i.e. reduced).